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  • BIOI2 Formations

    Project for sharing BIOI2 course material (in particular the example codes and exercise solutions)

  • Forge

    Il s'agit, au sein d'un groupe de travail, de mettre en place cet outil de forge logicielle basée sur l'application Redmine.

  • I2BC

    Documentation et tickets associés au fonctionnement du site

  • Streptomyces database

    Streptomyces are prolific producers of specialized metabolites with applications in medicine and agriculture. Remarkably, these bacteria possess a large linear chromosome genetically compartmentalized: The central region harbors core genes, whereas the two ‘arms’ are enriched in poorly conserved genes including specialized metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters. Previous analysis highlighted that chromosome architecture correlates with genetic compartmentalization during exponential phase, ribosomal operons forming boundaries that partition the chromosome into structurally distinct compartments. To better understand the mechanisms that govern the evolution of Streptomyces genomes, we explored the possible impact of ribosomal operons on genome organization and expression in a panel of species representative of the genus diversity. For this purpose we have generated a database that details the position of genes (CDS, ribosomal RNAs, transfer RNAs), core genome, ortholog groups in a panel of 127 genomes representative of Streptomyces diversity....

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